Monday 6 March 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

March 6, 2017

I spent most of the day doing errands related to getting out of this marriage. I went to another bank and spoke to a financial advisor about transferring my RRSPs from the TD who allowed Nick to get that draft to pay off his visa to the RBC. He was very nice and pointed out a few things he noticed right away that the TD was doing that was costing me money. Like a $57.00 quarterly service charge on the RRSPs which are in GICs. No one monitors them at all but still the fee is deducted. The RBC does not have such a fee.
I got a gizmo to back up my pictures and videos on my laptop and I also got a proper case to lug it around in. I made some inquiries about getting another cell phone because I am currently on the same account as Nick and it is his name on the account. So in case he doesn't pay the bill or decides to take my phone off the account somehow, I have a plan around what to do if this should happen.

After I arrived back home I got Nick to work for 20 minutes or so with Zach, who belongs to one of my daughters, so I could make a video which was requested by a guy who responded to my ad on Kijiji. I will put that on my laptop tomorrow at work and email it to him tomorrow evening, likely also from work because the internet is so much better there.

I made sure the hens and ducks had food and water and I filled up my wild bird feeders before I helped Nick bring the horses in for the night. I vacuumed and dusted and then we split wood in the basement with the electric splitter for nearly an hour before I came upstairs and climbed into bed with my laptop.
We were very polite to each other which I think is great. I don't know or care what Nick thinks of it but I know relentless nit-picking and nastiness really takes a toll on him emotionally. For someone who dishes it out as freely as he does he sure doesn't take it well at all.

I plan to pay a visit to the RCMP to give a statement or whatever concerning the threats on my life that were made by both Nick and his daughter during the fight on Friday night and I am going to take any advice that they have to give. I am also going to speak to a lawyer about how to proceed to get out of this miserable marriage as quickly and with as much of my stuff and money as possible. The information that my co-worker printed off the other night says that a judge can award one party more than the other if the marriage is less than 5 years, if one of the parties concealed information concerning finances and debt or if one of the parties was reckless in spending or whose actions in other ways led to financial hardship. There are a couple of other instances listed and I believe all of them apply in some way or another to our situation. Now that I know how bad his behavior really is and how irresponsible he has been with money I have no choice but to do everything I can to mitigate his effect on me and my financial security. I can no longer hope anything will work itself out. Nothing is going to get better and all indications are that things may just get a whole lot worse.

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