Friday 17 February 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017


Today was rather uneventful, but in a good way. The snow that has accumulated over the past few days is still blowing around and drifting onto roads and such, making driving tricky. And if it is not my imagination, more snow continues to fall off and on.

Nick has his daughter who lives close to us visiting overnight tonight and she plans to stay tomorrow night as well. They were watching a movie when I arrived home from work around 9:15pm, and they have started to watch another movie now, around 11:00pm. Lots of animal roaring of some kind going on. I am upstairs in the master bedroom as I type this, all bundled up although I don't expect to be cold tonight as Nick has the oil furnace turned up for the benefit of his daughter. I am secretly hoping the oil we have runs out while she is here so maybe she will get a glimpse of what really goes on around here. I hope Nick sticks to his normal routine tomorrow and Sunday, for the same reason.

 I did notice when I got home that the aerosol can of dry shampoo - that I bought for my dog for Christmas as a joke for my girls - was sitting on the kitchen counter in a prominent spot, moved from where I had put it under the sink in the main floor bathroom yesterday when I tidied up. It had been bouncing around the kitchen since I had taken the tree down, unable to find a permanent home. I picked it up and took it to the living room where I explained to Nick and his daughter after the first movie had finished that it had been purchased for a laugh because my girls had complained before the holidays that their dog needed a bath and I had given the lame excuse that I couldn't get him into the bathtub. I knew that later in the evening I was going to be asked by Nick to explain its arrival in our home anyway, as it was obvious to me by the way it had been moved from the bathroom and placed back in the kitchen that he hadn't noticed its presence in the house before today, and I wanted to cut off his interrogation at the pass before it had the chance to cause an argument in defence of an accusation of some wild conclusion Nick had swooped in on to proclaim as the truth.

He later managed to make up for my avoidance tactic, however, by coming upstairs and into the bedroom as I was folding some clean clothes he had dumped on the bed from the laundry basket I had left in the corner, and demanded to know 'how I had managed BYMYSELF' to maneuver the metal sliding doors on the double closet back onto their tracks. To which I replied that I had no idea they were off the tracks, and which I then proceeded to demonstrate how I had closed the three doors the way I wanted them because we both know how much I hate to look at the clothes in the closet with the doors open. Nick eyed me suspiciously as I completed my explanation but I chose to ignore his attempts at a visual engagement. Then he decided to simply leave the room without another word on the matter. Which suited me exceedingly well.

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