Sunday 12 February 2017

Sunday, Feb.12/2017


The evening of the second day of my three day weekend that comes along in my work schedule every 28 days. I spent a good portion of the day outside taking pictures and videos, and topping up the chicken and duck and wild bird feeders ahead of a snow storm forecasted to begin around midnight tonight and last approximately 24 hours. Bringing lots of snow as well as high winds. I am happy to be off tomorrow and I am looking forward to being able to 'hunker down'. As long as the oil doesn't run out. I'm not sure how much is left and we don't have the money to buy any more. Nick brought a bunch of wood into the basement this afternoon but it needs to be split and it was all covered in snow which I expect will melt to make the wood wet. He worked out with weights after supper instead of doing anything with the wood. It is quiet downstairs at the moment so I am assuming Nick is on the computer.

While I was at work on Friday Nick sent a nasty text to me about having arrived at the event horizon and as such 'being done' with the Chris person stealing from him or receiving from me what he has estimated to be around sixty thousand dollars. He claims thirty-eight thousand of that to be tools, supplements, vitamins, wood, hay, etc.
Nick and I also had arguments yesterday and today about the fact that we will be running out of hay in about two months' time because the supply we had purchased and stored to last until the new hay is ready early this summer has been dwindling as a result of theft. I don't feel he is giving the calves enough to eat and he says that there is no way we can give them anymore. He says we can't get any more hay from anyone . no one in the area has any extra for sale. We haven't finished paying for what we did get. I told him I wasn't paying for hay this year as I had the past three years and he kept telling me 'he had it covered'. Well as it turned out, having it covered meant that the fellow we got the hay from agreed to let us make payments on the hay instead of us paying for it all at once when we received it. Which still meant I have had to pay for it - well, most of it. Nick says he paid a thousand towards the hay, and I have paid two thousand towards it. When I ask him how much more we owe he always says he isn't sure exactly but that the guy we got it from is keeping track. Past years it has cost thirty-five hundred so by my estimate we should be nearly paid up but stay tuned to see what the final answer is.

I bought some paint at the hardware store today so I can start fixing this place up room by room to put it on the market so I can get back the money I put in as the down payment, and I can move past this disaster. It was supposed to be so much more.

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