Monday 27 February 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Feb. 27, 2017

An ordinary day off. I rolled over and went back to sleep when I woke up  because the bedroom was so cold. I heard Nick up earlier but he had gone back to bed to read or fall asleep reading. He usually does the latter as he is up late nearly every evening. I finally did get up to give the dogs some water and put them out again as my dog was whining to get someone's attention. Nick never hears anything or says he doesn't hear stuff. I have asked him hundreds - well at least one hundred - times to have his hearing tested but he just tells me it is completely fine. It is so annoying repeating myself 3 times so he can hear what I am saying. I feel I am yelling by the third try. He says I mumble and that I speak with my head turned away but I am certain he has some loss of hearing from years of fighting or from standing close to speakers while working security at concerts or from sticking Qtips in his ears every day. I also believe that he is able to read lips when I am facing him and either he doesn't realize he is doing this or he knows he does and uses this to compensate.

Another package of merchandise he ordered from the internet arrived today. Or rather, he picked it up at the post office. Four bottles of high potency vitamin D capsules. I am amazed at how he continues to buy stuff when the balance on his visa as confirmed by him is at least $27,000.00 and likely closer to $30,000.00 because he told me a coupe of months ago he had managed to get the limit increased. And now the line of credit of which I don't know the amount available. But which I intend to find out tomorrow when I make a phone call to the bank from work.

Yesterday we got the calves Cassidy and Sundance moved from on stall to another so we can shovel out the one they were in. I was beginning to be ashamed of myself when I saw them in the dirty one. We thought we would put them in separate stalls to give them more room to move around but the second guy, Sundance, was having nothing of going anywhere by himself. He refused to be coaxed into another stall, even with sweet feed, and in the end we gave in and let the two bunk together as they have since they were several days old. I asked Nick when we would be able to put them back outside in their pasture which is surrounded by an electric fence and has a small shed for them to go into to get out of inclement weather. They ended up in the barn because the battery for the electric fencer wasn't charging properly and they managed to figure out that the fence would no longer give them a shock. One morning I found them in the neighbour's back yard and two days later a man came knocking on our back door to let us know they were up in our garden, close to the highway. They followed me into the barn bribed with some feed and have been there since. Nick did get a new charger but it turned out the battery wasn't holding the charge. This I found out today along with the news that we would have to buy a new battery before they would be once again safe outside. I suppose that will come out of the extra pay I get next month, it is one of the two months a year with three paydays. Getting the second hand transmission put in my daughter's car is also on the short list of what I can do with that money.

Nick is presently in the room with me as I type at the kitchen table. He is making bread, which he used to do about a year ago. The bread you purchase at the grocery store has a type of plastic in it to keep it light and fluffy. The same stuff that those blue pads you put under your sleeping bag when you go camping and that things like yoga mats are made from. Nick says it accumulates in the brain, among other places in the body.
When he made bread previously he added a lot of honey to it and it ended up being too sweet to make sandwiches with. Of course that is just my opinion but I didn't eat it for that reason. He has agreed to follow a more conventional recipe this time so I won't get stuck eating 'plastic bread'. Nick is a disaster in the kitchen, he always leaves behind a huge mess. A thin layer of flour will coat the entire counter as well as the floor where he was standing. Drips of egg will be here and there and the dishes will be in the sink. I will have to clean this up before I can make anything for supper.

It is now 5pm and we have yet to shovel in the barn. I have had a splitting headache all afternoon and that's why I am sitting here typing during the day. I drank a couple of glasses of water, hoping I was just dehydrated, which helped a bit. I probably should have gone to another room and left Nick alone, he being his usual cranky self. He told me he was going out to the barn while the bread was rising and I guess I should go with him. At the moment he is furiously digging in the kitchen drawers looking for something he needs for his breadmaking, swearing as he goes. I will have to get up and find it for him before he accuses someone of stealing it.

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