Friday 28 October 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Oct. 28/2016

Well the stuff really hit the fan yesterday. And Nick is right next to me in bed here at present, reading. I'll see how far I get.
I was off yesterday and we were in the barn, the horses had been fed and were outside until suppertime, we usually bring them in just before it gets dark. Hunting season opened today and our neighbour two doors down has a lot of land that adjoins ours along our back pasture on the west side of our property. He uses it as a source of wood, as a place to store some of his larger junk and he also hunts deer from it. He has a bunch of 'blinds' set up, which are like little treehouses that folks hide out in and wait for the deer to come along. These things are set up in spots that deer frequent, near the opening to a meadow or near some apple trees. Some people 'bait' the deer a few weeks before hunting season opens, which means they put out apples or carrots or something else the deer like so they will come looking for it when the humans are ready in their blinds with their guns. There is a lot of male bonding and beer drinking and beef jerky eating done in these blinds as well, and often there are four, five and six guns aimed on a deer or two and I don't really consider it much of a sport when it's done this way, but I have no control over what this guy does with his little piece of the planet. Unfortunately for me, it is next to my little piece.
So I thought I would take a walk in the woods and take a few pictures of our neighbour's littered lot and his blinds and I asked Nick's permission to go and take a few pictures, explaining that I thought I might post them on Facebook to let people know what a great white hunter lived right next door. And off I went.

When I returned Nick was yelling at me asking if I had heard him yelling and calling for me. Well I had heard something but I didn't know at the time where the noise was coming from so I had ignored it. I guess I should have known. Nick flew into a rage accusing me of being in the woods with this Chris motherf----- (and many more adjectives) and then when I denied it, which was the truth, he told me that our next door neighbour on the other side of us had surveillance cameras on his property that had recorded me on his lot, again with Chris person. Also saying that there were tapes of me there with him, on three or four or more occasions. He was furious and was yelling at me about four inches from my face. He was so angry he was shaking. It was the first time I was actually afraid he might hit me.  I told him not to touch me. Really, I don't know what good speaking those words would do. Nick is a very accomplished martial arts fighter and I have no doubt he could kill me or paralyse me with one well-aimed strike - but I said it anyway.
We yelled at each other, he saying he had proof I was with someone else and me telling him it was not true, and asking him how he thought he could make something the truth by just yelling about it and claiming to have it on tape. That didn't he know that I knew I did nothing of what he claimed I had done, so of course I knew he was lying or making stuff up or both. And then more rage at me calling him a liar and/or delusional.
He said something about taking his forty percent and leaving, and I jumped in to remind him that he would not be getting forty percent of anything, because I had paid for everything. We yelled about that for a few minutes and the he stormed out of the barn, slamming the barn door after him.

He went into the house and spent the next few hours on the computer while I mucked out the stalls and refilled water buckets and put hay out for the evening. I put some tulip bulbs in the ground and cleaned up my rock gardens for the winter.
After we came in from outside for the evening I did a bit of housework and he was on the computer again, and then I went to bed. He came into the bedroom and tossed and turned in bed for a few minutes and then left, slamming the bedroom door so hard I thought the ceiling might come down. He continued to slam and bang things downstairs so I took a half of a travel sickness tablet and drifted off. I was vaguely aware of the turmoil in the house as I slept but at two-thirty in the morning I was lifted from my bed by Nick slamming the door to his daughter's room as he finally turned in for the night. Her room is just across the hall but it sounded and felt more like an clap of thunder. Maybe the gods had spoken.

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