Monday 24 October 2016

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Oct. 25/ 2016

Nick retired from his job at the end of January following the recording of the after Christmas tape. It wasn't really a huge transition as Nick was the office manager and pretty well came and went as he pleased, often taking most of a day to do personal things. We stopped getting up early every day to do morning chores and only did so when Nick had to be somewhere and then I would help him before I left for work at eight am. I helped with all of the chores on my days off, usually spending the whole day outside working on something that needed to be done or fixed that required an extra pair of hands.

Maybe he had too much time on his hands, I don't know. I do know that things around here got really weird after that.
Not only did Nick have the two audio tapes I have already mentioned but now he claimed to have tapes of at least two guys working out in our gym together. He claimed his protein powder, vitamins and other health supplements were now disappearing, presumably after these intruders worked out. He gave a list of tools that had gone missing from the garage and also from the basement. He lamented that he didn't matter if he locked the garage or not, stuff would still disappear. I started to cringe every time he went to look for something. If he couldn't find it then it suddenly became my problem because he would fly into a rage about it being one more thing to be added to the long list of his belongings that had been stolen.

He began to 'investigate'. He chatted with his friend Michael, who I have never met. This person would tell him this and another person would tell him that. I asked about these people, who they were and where he ran into them. Most days when I came home from work he would say something like ' I had a very bad day today. I am in a rage about a conversation I had with......'. He told me that he figured out who the Chris person was that I greeted on the occasion on tape a few days after Christmas. He just happened to be related to the guy who lives next door to us, the neighbour that Nick is so certain is stealing from us, helping himself to whatever he pleases.

Nick said he heard that I had engaged in threesomes, that everyone within thirty miles of our farm knew all about my running around and that the guys involved were bragging that they could visit me anytime they wanted to have some fun. I told him hundreds of times I wanted to know who these people were who were spreading these rumours so I could explain to them that what they were repeating had not one thread of truth to it and to suggest politely that I could care less what they gossiped about as I knew it all to be nothing but lies. But there was always a reason why I couldn't confront anybody, usually that his source was happy to pass information along to him, but that they otherwise wanted to remain anonymous. One woman even came to our house looking for Nick and she wasn't very pleased when I answered the door. I called for Nick to come downstairs and she and he walked abruptly away from me leaving me standing there like a fool, waiting for an introduction. She was the wife of one of the guys I was purportedly running around with and she wanted to talk to Nick to verify what she had been told. After she left Nick told me she had found out that her husband was having an affair with someone and that somehow she had suspicions it was either me or the wife of this next door neighbour. Well I knew it wasn't me and I told Nick I hoped she wasn't divorcing her husband based on anything she thought I was involved with, because it was absolutely not true and I felt I should tell her so. Nick just said I should stay away from her in the state of mind she was in, for my own safety.

Nick believes it was her husband who was allegedly seen removing sand from our riding arena. He said our neighbour across the street saw whoever took it and she said it 'looked like someone familiar to her'. When I suggested we go over and ask her a few more questions, he said she was afraid there would be repercussions if it became known it was she who had identified the guy and Nick didn't think it was fair to put her in any danger.

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