Monday 10 October 2016

October 10, 2016 continued

Oct. 10, 2016 (second entry)

I just have a few minutes here before Nick comes upstairs. He has turned his computer off and is taking his vitamins and supplements, and I am hearing the 'F' word as he shakes some of the bottles. He will tell me that someone has been stealing his stuff again. Most of it is locked up - he has a large safe right in the kitchen and he also has a lock on one of the cupboards. I have no idea where the key is nor do I want to know. In fact I don't have a key to the garage or even to the house.
Someone and on occasion, two or three of them, started coming into the house and were recorded on audio working out in our gym, and stealing supplements and food from our pantry and some of the healthy stuff like the large containers of honey and olive oil and coconut oil that Nick buys. He claims that dog biscuits were stolen - well they disappeared and that is the only logical explanation.
So this thief or thieves claim to have been given permission by me to help themselves and so they were given keys to the house. At first I thought that maybe there had been keys around from the previous owners, after all these were the next door neighbours and actually the only house that was close enough to see if any emergency like a fire should happen to occur. It made sense because the owners had travelled quite often and had had a local teenager stop by twice a day to feed their horses.
Nick said he had checked with all the neighbours and had asked the best friend of the couple if she had a key or if she knew if anyone else did. She confirmed that the only person that sometimes had a key was the girl who looked after the horses from time to time. So the only way the thieves could be getting into the house was by using keys supplied by me. Which I knew wasn't true. Yet Nick insisted this was the only plausible explanation. I knew there had to be another.
Nick changed the locks on all the doors and I asked him not to give me a key so there would be no way I could give it to anyone else. Any inconvenience caused by this was nothing compared to the possibility that I had given another key away.

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