Monday 31 October 2016

Monday, October 31, 2016

Oct. 31/ 2016

I was off today since I worked Saturday and yesterday, Sunday. I had a peaceful morning as Nick had a dental appointment and a few errands to run. I wanted him to get some chipboard to make a roof for the calves' shelter he built in their pasture. It is quite nice and has three and a half walls rather than just three like most run-in sheds have. That's what they call the buildings erected in the fields for the livestock to go into to get out of the rain or snow and wind. It has been without a roof for nearly three months now and snow will be on its way before long.

Last summer when Nick had to leave the farm to go anywhere he would insist that I go with him. He didn't want to leave me here alone, thus providing me an opportunity to rendezvous with the guy(s). As much as I hated wasting my day off sitting in the car and as much as it bothered my lower back, it was preferable to listening to his ranting if I stayed home by myself. He no doubt would somehow have an incriminating audio tape for that date and time.
He stopped demanding that I accompany him everywhere after he hurt his back late last fall and he realized how much sitting in the car aggravated the injury.

So I stayed home and stayed in bed until Nick was ready to leave. I was fooling around with some videos I had made of the horses and trying to upload them to YouTube and Facebook, which I can't do in the evenings because the internet service we get out here in the country is very slow and unreliable during peak usage times. After he left I got up and made some zucchini loaves and a tomato and parmesan cheese casserole to put in the freezer in an attempt to use up vegetables from the garden before they went bad. It wasn't until Nick arrived home in the middle of the afternoon that I was out in the barn mucking out the stalls.

After we came inside I went downstairs to switch the laundry from the washer to the dryer. The washer had not completed its spin cycle and the clothes were still dripping wet. Nick figured out that the washer had stopped because the power bar it was plugged into had been switched off. I have no idea how that even happens but Nick immediately jumped to the conclusion that I had not been alone while he was gone. He yelled at me, asking if 'that !%&*$! had been in the basement. Then he walked over to a piece of gym equipment that was down there - there is no room for it upstairs in the second living room so it was put downstairs - and announced that neither he or his son ever leave anything attached to the pulley, pointing to the lat pull-down bar dangling there. He took it off and threw it across the cement floor into the corner, vowing that 'this is it, this is the last straw, I can't put up with that (lots of bad words) Schwartzenhegger wanna be coming into my house, using my gym equipment to work out and stealing my vitamins and supplements'.

Nick stormed upstairs and I finished starting the laundry again before going upstairs myself. By the time I did, he was on his computer listening to some music with the volume turned way up. He has since turned the volume down and I am typing this as I sit in bed.

I walked up behind him on the computer twice last week and saw him on Date.Com or Match.Com, with a picture of a blonde woman in a red top on the screen, presumably the person he is communicating with. When I asked him about it the first time, he said he was on that site to check out something one of his buddies told him to check out. I haven't told him yet I caught him on there again. I should actually go downstairs right now and see what he is doing on the computer, he has been very quiet for awhile now. I think I will and then get some sleep. Stay tuned.

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