Thursday 31 August 2017

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Thursday, August 31, 2017

This is one of the days of the year I dread. I so look forward to the summer, to July and August, so I am always sorry when August draws to a close. Some folks think of September as the start of a new year, but for me it is always the end of the only season I like and the beginning of the cold that just gets worse until it finally ends in about 10 months!

I was off today and Nick left around noon to do some errands. I cut the grass which took about 2+1/2 hours and I puttered around doing little things like filling the duck's kiddie pool with water and making a video of them going for a swim and taking a bath. It was a lovely day, sunny and warm. I picked some beans and tomatoes and then I came inside to vacuum and clean the bathrooms, tidy up the kitchen, empty the dishwasher, nothing too strenuous. I tried to read outside with a glass of wine because I wanted my dog Sam to have some time outside today but the bugs drove me mad so I gave up and came inside after about 20 minutes. I had multiple spots bleeding from scratching and I wasn't keen on making scars haha.

My dear dog Sam has really gotten old over the last few weeks. He was 10 in February and his breed's life expectancy is 10 to 12 years. He fell backwards trying to come up the stairs a couple of times about 6 weeks ago so I took him to get his nails cut because the stairway is hardwood and I felt he was 'skidding' on his nails. It did seem to make a bit of a difference but about a week ago he stopped eating his dry kibble and I have started giving him canned food instead. He will eat some of it but then decides he has had enough. The same with treats and biscuits. He is very pleased with the first one but quickly loses interest. Last evening he slid backwards down the stairs as he tried to come up to bed and I got Nick to carry him up. He slept all night in one spot and didn't get up at all when I got up and got dressed. When I went over to the other side of the bed to check on him, he had gotten himself under the bed and of course, couldn't get up or out. I just pulled him by his legs and slid him clear, the floor is hardwood. But he made no attempt to get up. I had to lift him up under his rib cage and coax him out of the bedroom and down the stairs. And then he went and laid down on the tiled floor in the main floor bathroom. There he stayed until about 3pm when again I had to coax him to come outside and go for a pee. He didn't want to go for a walk around, he just turned and headed back for the door. That is when I decided to grab my book and a glass of wine and I tried to get him out into some fresh air.

Nick has come home while I was typing. It was getting late so I brought the horses in and fed them and the calf and finished in the barn for the night. I shoveled the stalls quickly but not thoroughly and I threw some extra hay down for the calf as bedding for the night. It would really be nice if Nick would shovel the stalls before he disappears for the day. He must know by now that he almost never gets back in time to get out and shovel before I bring them in. In fact, the other night as I arrived home from work around 915pm, Nick hustled out to the barn just as I was coming down the walkway. He must have heard my car and realized how late it was. I swear he has absolutely no concept of the passage of time when he sits down at his computer. But doesn't the time show in the corner somewhere?

I put our last horse Zack, for sale online and there have been 4 or 5 people interested in him. Two of them are planning to come out on Monday to see him, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. A couple of others have yet to decide on days or times. I asked Nick when the boarder is moving his horse and he said he is looking for another place now, so I really hope that it so. It would be so not fair to have that poor horse here by herself all winter.

Monday 28 August 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

The last of my three days off. I spent Saturday moving the rest of the few items of furniture my younger daughter had left in the apartment she sub-let for the summer which was the remainder of her lease. Her sister and fiancé helped and it was nice to see them. We also spent Sunday, my birthday together. We took a drive up to a spot she is thinking of having her wedding next year and had lunch in the little town nearby. It was a great way to spend a birthday. Even your 60th haha.

Nick hasn't been home the past few evenings in time to bring the horses in so I have been doing this. It's not that I mind at all, it's just that I would like to know before it start's to get dark and I realize Nick is not home yet and the horses are still out.

He has been gone during the day the last three days I have been home which is nice. He was away on Thursday too. He mentioned that he had stitches put in his finger from an accident he had with his throwing knives. He said he has been going to the gym to spar and to fight. I think it is a good thing for him to take out some of his frustration on somebody else.

He has been banging around the house here at night so often and so loudly that it is really disrupting my sleep and starting to wreck my nerves. Last night was the worst so far. He was tossing chairs around in the kitchen and yelling stuff. There was a rude note for me on the counter when I got up this morning. Telling me that some of his pills and supplements were missing and that the beef grower grain had disappeared - I had given it to my boyfriend Salter. Well it is true, I was the one who used up the beef grower because I was the one who brought the horses in the last few nights and I also gave them their grain on Saturday and Sunday mornings as I was getting ready to go to my daughter's and I felt sorry for the animals as I can hear the horses kicking their stall walls and the calf bawling in the barn so I fed them before I left. And he knew that. Of course I gave them beef grower so of course there is considerably less there than there was the last time he looked into the bin we keep it in. I don't know what has happened to his logic. It's like he can't figure what actually must have happened. He decides it has to be connected to Salter and no matter how outrageous the story is, that has to be the truth as far as he is concerned.

Last night I actually was scared of what he might do next. I managed to push the dresser in front on the bedroom door and the deck door was already blocked with furniture because Nick had done that earlier in the day. He did it the day before as well. I closed and locked the bathroom window and with those things done I felt somewhat confident that he wouldn't be able to come into the bedroom where I was trying to sleep. If he did try to get in somehow I figured I would have enough time to get out and get away. This morning after I got up I checked out the escape ladder my mom gave me in case of a fire and realized it wouldn't work over the deck railing. So I have decided I will make my escape another way and I set that up just in case. I'm not going to mention it here - just in case Nick has access to my laptop that I am unaware of. I need to get a backpack that I can throw my essentials into if I have to leave in a hurry.

He got up early this morning and started banging around again. I think it was around 6am. The episode in the middle of the night was from about 1am to 230am. He woke me up when he came upstairs to bed around 11pm. I ended up sleeping in until about 10am which I promised myself I would do as I lay awake most of the night. I was quite relieved and happy to see his car was gone when I took my dog outside after I got up.

I painted the deck between the two upstairs bedrooms and I also painted the stairs going into the basement. Both I painted the same dark grey with porch paint. I intended to do more painting but the garage was locked and the white exterior paint was locked inside so I wasn't able to paint the door of the shed and the railings on the other two bedroom decks. Oh well, gives me time to type on the computer.

Nick had been telling me to sell our last horse. When I asked him why he said 'I don't know how much longer I will be around' which suits me fine. I can't take much more of these antics in the middle of the night and early in the morning. I intend to contact a lawyer and maybe see if we can live in the house on alternate weeks.

I assume he is planning another trip to Europe to see his Ukrainian girlfriend. He had another picture of her he wanted me to see the other day. She was in a black bikini and she was leaning back on a railing in front of a beach. She does look lovely, but I don't know what she is doing with Nick. I suppose she thinks he has money and will bring her and her daughter to Canada before she dumps him. 

Friday 25 August 2017

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday, August 25, 2017

What a long week, I was so totally tired. Monday I was off and I got the grass cut and then I went into work to a meeting. I had planned to work in the yard and garden when I got back but the bugs were so bad from the recent rain that I decided to do stuff inside instead.

I had Thursday off as well and I did work in the garden in the morning - the beans and spinach and beet greens are ready to pick - but it was a hot, humid day and I talked myself out of anything else but housework. Thursday was also my younger daughter's birthday so I was a bit bummed out because she is so far away. I chatted with her via text messages but I still missed seeing her and hearing here voice. My birthday is in a couple of days and turning 60 with half of my life savings gone as a result of falling in love with a user and a schemer isn't feeling so great. I also always feel somewhat down at this time of the year. I look so forward to the summer and once I realize it is coming to an end I mourn its passing. I so don't enjoy the other months of the year. I love the warmth and the growing of the late spring and summer.

This fall has a lot of unknowns. Will Nick be around to plow the snow? How will I heat the house? He has cut no wood. There are a few trees down he can chainsaw into pieces but not nearly enough for several weeks let alone a whole winter, especially if it is a long and/or cold one. I hate the thought of going to bed each night fully dressed with a hat and scarf on like I did last winter and showering and dressing in the bathroom which I have warmed up a bit with a space heater.

I am now off for three days, which happens every 4 weeks. Nick has himself locked downstairs in the computer room where he is listening to some Eurovision 2017 stuff I think. At least some of it is. I hear that song he plays over and over and over again.

Nick was looking for a stud finder this morning. He told me it was missing about 5 minutes before I had to leave for work. I took a quick look around but all I managed to find was a motion detector he had hidden in the gym. I must admit I really thought I had found what he was looking for. He pretended that he was going to do some work on the house but couldn't now he didn't have what he needed. Such a crock of shit.

Monday 21 August 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

The tractor is gone. I can see the tire marks in the driveway where it was driven up onto a ramp, the marks where the ramp was sitting are there too. Nick says it was taken by the dealership we purchased it from for an update, but I will call them tomorrow from work to see if that is the truth.

I got up this morning and cut the grass. I had to go into work to meet with one of our clients, and then I came right back home again. Rather a pain to make the hour drive for a 30-minute meeting, but it had to be done. It is a hot and muggy day today. I thought I would tidy up the yard when I got home but the mosquitos were so hungry all I did was water some of my potted plants and then I came inside to catch up on this. The last few nights I have tried to make entries, I haven't been able to connect to the internet. I am thinking that Nick has been turning the router off when he is finished on the computer. Just to annoy me. He claims that someone else is using our internet besides he and I and that they somehow have our password. I don't even know the password.

Nick bought a couple of T-shirts with MOSSAD on them. 'The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations'. He also has one with 'Israel Defense Forces' on it. The other day I noticed he had bought two green and yellow flags and hung them up in the gym room. I tried to find out what the flags represent, but I couldn't find anything on the internet. Now I see that the Israel Defence Forces colors are green and yellow. When I asked him Nick told me that they were Ukraine flags he got for a friend of his, but they are not Ukraine flags according to Wikipedia. I know Nick is crazy, but has he become radicalized as well?

I will make note of something amusing before I close for the day. Nick has taken a sharpie and made a mark resembling a 'y' on each of the three eggs he collected from our hens this morning. A silver sharpie at that. Very special eggs I guess.

He is downstairs now on his computer, listening to the same Eurovision songs over and over again. The same one or two he always listens to. I googled 'freedom is our religion' which is what is on a building in the background of the picture of Nick and his Ukrainian girlfriend, and apparently this is in Kiev and is in connection with this Eurovision song contest which was held in Kiev in May. Before Nick made his trip over there. I guess this explains in a small way his addiction and fascination to these songs he listens to incessantly. A couple of them are great songs, but I for one am getting tired of hearing them.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Friday, August 18, 2017

On Monday morning I got a call from the real estate agent letting me know that someone wanted to see the house the next day between 10:30 and 11:30am. I flew into high gear and cleaned windows and deck doors and basement stairs, toilets and bathtubs, vacuumed and mopped floors - I went steady until about 11pm when I decided that whatever was done was all that was going to be done. Besides the few things I would do in the morning before I left for work, I was finished. I planned to turn on the lights and the scented plug-ins and check the cat's litter box for fresh/stinky deposits. I had nagged Nick about tidying up the computer room as well as his bedroom, particularly the blood spots on the carpet, and he promised me it would all be done 'if he had to stay up all night'. I asked if I would be able to go into the computer room and clean it up but he refused to let me in there. All I was permitted to do was to open the windows.

Nick did agree to take the dogs away in the car at the time the showing was scheduled. I went off to work in the morning and anxiously waited for the report from the agent. The first showing is always exhilarating, but after a few with no offers, the temporary high becomes stifled.

About 30 minutes after the time the showing was scheduled to begin, I got a message from the agent saying that the clients had been so put off by the broken down fences and general clutter in the yard that they decided they didn't want to see inside the house. Their impression was that 'the owners didn't care about the property'. I forwarded the message to Nick just as it had been sent to me.

He was upstairs reading in his room when I got home, and I had decided not to start a fight with him about it anyway. I was way too tired. I just wanted to go to bed. We said little the next morning as I left for work. I didn't feel like fighting before work either.

I was off the next day, Thursday, and I had made an appointment to take my dog Sam to have his nails clipped. Nick had been doing it for years but he said his clippers had disappeared. My dog Sam is 10 now and he has slipped or fallen down the hardwood stairs while coming and going from my bedroom over the last few weeks. He hasn't been eating well either. I thought having his nails cut might make it easier for him. It is such a pitiful sight to see him fall down the stairs.

Sam and I had a nice adventure together that morning. he had his nails cut, which he is always very good for, and we went to the post office and to the bakery as well. We shared a couple of tea biscuits on the way back home. I used to never give him human food but since he doesn't seem much interested in his dog food anymore, I have started giving him scraps hoping he will gain back a bit of weight.

When we got home and I announced we had successfully had nails clipped, Nick asked me why I had taken him anywhere instead of asking him to do it. I told him I thought the clippers had gone missing to which he replied that 'they had re-appeared again'. I had told him I thought they ere in the computer room and obviously that is where he found them. Oh well, Sam and I had had a great time together that we would have otherwise missed.

I started to feel rather lousy, and decided to lay down for awhile, something I never do during the day. I think I was just exhausted, mentally and physically, from the past several days. I slept right through until the next morning. I got once or twice to use the bathroom, but that was it.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

I spent the day cleaning up the second living room we have in the house. Nick has his gym set up in there, so it is a room that is hardly used, although it is a lovely space. It has a wall to ceiling stone fireplace and the room has cathedral ceilings with wooden beams. One side is all windows and there is a staircase leading up to the bedrooms on the second floor. It took me most of the day, but I am very pleased with it and I actually wish I had done it a long time ago. I just have the windows to clean and perhaps I will do that tomorrow.

Nick was away most of the day, I assume he was visiting his daughter but he may have been with a German friend of his who we usually get together with this time of year when he is here for the summer. Nick took a phone call from this fellow this morning while I was still sleeping which woke me up for the day. Nick had woken me up sometime after midnight and also very early but I had gone back to sleep after those interruptions. I wish he would stop banging things around. I don't say anything to him because I figure he is doing it to make my life miserable and I refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing he is doing an excellent job.

I was wondering today as I was working to get the house presentable for showing if Nick got any pleasure out of watching me slave away while he does absolutely nothing. If he does anything, it is to mess things up around here so that I have to spend time just breaking even rather than being able to make progress on the long to-do list. He came in this evening and proceeded to make espresso and he managed to get the coffee grounds all over the floor. Maybe about half made it into the garbage can.

He is downstairs now swearing to himself and banging stuff around. I was just thinking I was hungry and feeling like a snack but I don't know if I am feeling brave enough to venture down to the kitchen.
At any rate I need to top up my wine so I guess I will put my cell phone on voice recorder and head on down.

On second thought, maybe I won't. He is really in a rage. I wonder what might have happened to put him in such a foul mood. Best to keep my mouth shut and my ears open.

Saturday 12 August 2017

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Saturday, August 12, 2017

I was driving home from work tonight and I was thinking about promises Nick had made to me about paying me back for my providing the down payment on the farm etc. A family member or friend must think I am very stupid for agreeing to this financial arrangement ie me paying for everything. But Nick had told me that he would be able to match my down payment after he sold his house and that he would be working at his job for another 4, 5 or 6 years, or 'whatever it took' for him to pay down the mortgage on the farm so that his contribution was equal to mine. He said he would take over the mortgage and I could put all my earnings toward my retirement. As I now know, this was never his intention. he had other financial obligations which prevented him from having any disposable income, and when he sold his house, he received only $1,638 to compare to my $214,000 and as well he fell way short of matching my down payment of $90,000. And then he retired suddenly without paying down any of the mortgage. In fact, he walked into the bank one day and withdrew every penny we had paid on the mortgage and put this $31,000 on his VISA. Not exactly what was planned. Not honouring his verbal agreement. As I understand it, verbal agreements are supposed to be as binding as any other sort of agreement. Or not.

Nick also promised over and over that he would be 'working his ass off' to make improvements and clear the land etc etc and this would have increased the value of the property but instead he has done absolutely nothing and the property is in a sad state of disrepair. He won't let me get anyone out here to do anything as he says he will not permit anyone on the property, even to cut firewood or fix the fences. So what am I to do? Wait I guess, and fix up what I can. And hope that Nick decides to start a life with this Ukrainian woman and leaves me alone to pick up the pieces of mine. I wouldn't care so much if I were younger. It's not that I fell old, but my birth certificate tell me I will be 60 soon, and that most folks retire when they are 65. But I have to just about start over financially at this point. It's  good thing I have never had any high expectations for my retirement years.