Monday 21 August 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

Monday, August 21, 2017

The tractor is gone. I can see the tire marks in the driveway where it was driven up onto a ramp, the marks where the ramp was sitting are there too. Nick says it was taken by the dealership we purchased it from for an update, but I will call them tomorrow from work to see if that is the truth.

I got up this morning and cut the grass. I had to go into work to meet with one of our clients, and then I came right back home again. Rather a pain to make the hour drive for a 30-minute meeting, but it had to be done. It is a hot and muggy day today. I thought I would tidy up the yard when I got home but the mosquitos were so hungry all I did was water some of my potted plants and then I came inside to catch up on this. The last few nights I have tried to make entries, I haven't been able to connect to the internet. I am thinking that Nick has been turning the router off when he is finished on the computer. Just to annoy me. He claims that someone else is using our internet besides he and I and that they somehow have our password. I don't even know the password.

Nick bought a couple of T-shirts with MOSSAD on them. 'The Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations'. He also has one with 'Israel Defense Forces' on it. The other day I noticed he had bought two green and yellow flags and hung them up in the gym room. I tried to find out what the flags represent, but I couldn't find anything on the internet. Now I see that the Israel Defence Forces colors are green and yellow. When I asked him Nick told me that they were Ukraine flags he got for a friend of his, but they are not Ukraine flags according to Wikipedia. I know Nick is crazy, but has he become radicalized as well?

I will make note of something amusing before I close for the day. Nick has taken a sharpie and made a mark resembling a 'y' on each of the three eggs he collected from our hens this morning. A silver sharpie at that. Very special eggs I guess.

He is downstairs now on his computer, listening to the same Eurovision songs over and over again. The same one or two he always listens to. I googled 'freedom is our religion' which is what is on a building in the background of the picture of Nick and his Ukrainian girlfriend, and apparently this is in Kiev and is in connection with this Eurovision song contest which was held in Kiev in May. Before Nick made his trip over there. I guess this explains in a small way his addiction and fascination to these songs he listens to incessantly. A couple of them are great songs, but I for one am getting tired of hearing them.

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