Monday 7 August 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017

I spent most of the weekend with my daughter and enjoyed a much needed rest from the charades all day every day and night with Nick. After work on Saturday she and I went to dinner at our favorite little spot and on Sunday I brought some pizza home with me. I got to watch some TV which is a treat for me as we no longer get cable at the farm. Monday I was off and because it was a holiday here, my daughter was as well and we planted the hydrangea and asters and lupines and hostas I had in pots for her.  

I turned off my phone when I went to bed as I usually do and when I looked at it this morning, Nick had texted me 5 or 6 times demanding to know where his deodorants and his cologne were. The texts were sent at 5am! They had been in the cabinet in the ensuite bathroom which he took down to wallpaper but which he hasn't put back up yet. So when I tidied up the bedroom the other day, I put all that stuff in the main bathroom, in the closet. I showed him where I had put the stuff, along with his shaving gear and everything else that was in that cabinet.
When I got home this evening it was indeed obvious that he had gone through every drawer in the house. At 5am in the morning. He had pulled out all the drawers of his dresser and night table and had left the contents all over the bed and had left most of the drawers out on the chairs as well as on the bed and the ones that were still in the dresser were still halfway open with the stuff spilling out of them. 

Nick also threw a tantrum tonight as he was unloading the dishwasher. He was taking the silverware out of its tray and something was caught, so he banged the whole thing 3 or 4 times against the counter. I was very surprised that nothing was smashed. He was so violent it about it I just stood there and held my breath. 

I vacuumed and mopped the floors and generally tidied the place up...cleaned the bathrooms and wiped the stove and fridge and kitchen counters and table, and dusted in the bedrooms and hallway. 
Nick was in a terrible mood, he just banged things around all night and slammed the door to his bedroom a couple of times. I showed him where his toiletries had been all along and I don't think he was too pleased about the simplicity of the whole episode. Just like the other day when he couldn't find the roofing sealant. He just hadn't looked in the place he had put it. He texted me that it had 'magically re-appeared'. His words exactly.

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