Monday 28 August 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

The last of my three days off. I spent Saturday moving the rest of the few items of furniture my younger daughter had left in the apartment she sub-let for the summer which was the remainder of her lease. Her sister and fiancé helped and it was nice to see them. We also spent Sunday, my birthday together. We took a drive up to a spot she is thinking of having her wedding next year and had lunch in the little town nearby. It was a great way to spend a birthday. Even your 60th haha.

Nick hasn't been home the past few evenings in time to bring the horses in so I have been doing this. It's not that I mind at all, it's just that I would like to know before it start's to get dark and I realize Nick is not home yet and the horses are still out.

He has been gone during the day the last three days I have been home which is nice. He was away on Thursday too. He mentioned that he had stitches put in his finger from an accident he had with his throwing knives. He said he has been going to the gym to spar and to fight. I think it is a good thing for him to take out some of his frustration on somebody else.

He has been banging around the house here at night so often and so loudly that it is really disrupting my sleep and starting to wreck my nerves. Last night was the worst so far. He was tossing chairs around in the kitchen and yelling stuff. There was a rude note for me on the counter when I got up this morning. Telling me that some of his pills and supplements were missing and that the beef grower grain had disappeared - I had given it to my boyfriend Salter. Well it is true, I was the one who used up the beef grower because I was the one who brought the horses in the last few nights and I also gave them their grain on Saturday and Sunday mornings as I was getting ready to go to my daughter's and I felt sorry for the animals as I can hear the horses kicking their stall walls and the calf bawling in the barn so I fed them before I left. And he knew that. Of course I gave them beef grower so of course there is considerably less there than there was the last time he looked into the bin we keep it in. I don't know what has happened to his logic. It's like he can't figure what actually must have happened. He decides it has to be connected to Salter and no matter how outrageous the story is, that has to be the truth as far as he is concerned.

Last night I actually was scared of what he might do next. I managed to push the dresser in front on the bedroom door and the deck door was already blocked with furniture because Nick had done that earlier in the day. He did it the day before as well. I closed and locked the bathroom window and with those things done I felt somewhat confident that he wouldn't be able to come into the bedroom where I was trying to sleep. If he did try to get in somehow I figured I would have enough time to get out and get away. This morning after I got up I checked out the escape ladder my mom gave me in case of a fire and realized it wouldn't work over the deck railing. So I have decided I will make my escape another way and I set that up just in case. I'm not going to mention it here - just in case Nick has access to my laptop that I am unaware of. I need to get a backpack that I can throw my essentials into if I have to leave in a hurry.

He got up early this morning and started banging around again. I think it was around 6am. The episode in the middle of the night was from about 1am to 230am. He woke me up when he came upstairs to bed around 11pm. I ended up sleeping in until about 10am which I promised myself I would do as I lay awake most of the night. I was quite relieved and happy to see his car was gone when I took my dog outside after I got up.

I painted the deck between the two upstairs bedrooms and I also painted the stairs going into the basement. Both I painted the same dark grey with porch paint. I intended to do more painting but the garage was locked and the white exterior paint was locked inside so I wasn't able to paint the door of the shed and the railings on the other two bedroom decks. Oh well, gives me time to type on the computer.

Nick had been telling me to sell our last horse. When I asked him why he said 'I don't know how much longer I will be around' which suits me fine. I can't take much more of these antics in the middle of the night and early in the morning. I intend to contact a lawyer and maybe see if we can live in the house on alternate weeks.

I assume he is planning another trip to Europe to see his Ukrainian girlfriend. He had another picture of her he wanted me to see the other day. She was in a black bikini and she was leaning back on a railing in front of a beach. She does look lovely, but I don't know what she is doing with Nick. I suppose she thinks he has money and will bring her and her daughter to Canada before she dumps him. 

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