Friday 11 August 2017

Friday, August 11, 2017

Friday, August 11, 2017

Another beautiful summer day. I did manage to locate Nick's previous wife on the internet (previous to me that is, I know about 2 others previous to this 3rd one - he has always led me to believe I was number 3). She still lives and works in the area and I intend to contact her somehow to find out what Nick's daughter actually did do to her, that was much worse than what she threatened to do to me. This is getting good now.

The most recent documents I found state that she is entitled to 9 years of his pension and also that he gave her a lump sum payment of spousal support in May of 2011 and also that he paid her a sum of money so he could retain sole ownership of the house he was living in. \which he led me to believe was his alone and also which he told me he would likely make a profit on when he sold it to move to the farm. Of course, he made nothing on it but somewhat less than two thousand dollars, after back taxes were paid. A far cry from the two hundred and fifteen thousand I received from my home. The hole just keeps getting deeper.

There was also a comment in the papers about the TD Bank being agreeable about the mortgage situation, which leads me to think it must have been in arrears. Nick's divorce from this woman was only final in May of 2011. I had no idea any of this was going on. He was also embroiled at the same time in a legal battle with the ex-wife who is the mother of the younger two of his four children; something about her claiming that the daughter had moved in with her and she wanted to be re-imbursed for expenses during this time and also for things she had purchased for her daughter. As far as I know, this decision went in Nick's favour and he didn't have to pay anything to anybody.

When I got home from work tonight Nick was locked in the computer room and the door to the house was locked and the porch light was out so I had trouble seeing to get my key in the lock. I don't know why he does this. It's not like I am so late getting home from work that he has reason to believe I am staying somewhere else. Like I ever do that. Like I only did that once, last weekend. And I texted him to let him know.

I noticed today as I did some on-line banking that Nick still has not taken his daughter off of the insurance policy that I pay for, which he promised to do when I told him I had discovered that I was paying insurance on a Saturn that I had no idea even existed. I feel I am being generous paying his car insurance just because it happens to be together with the house insurance, and I actually would like to cancel the insurance on both cars, but I am a fair person and I realize Nick is paying for my cell phone. Which I had decided not to get as I thought they wanted way too much for the phone, but which Nick went ahead and got anyway. I do suspect he did this so I would have the same phone as he did and he would be able to access it on the sly. But the way it has worked out, I don't think he has been in my phone where there is really nothing of interest anyway, but I have been able to look into his phone which I can look around in quite quickly because it is the same as mine.

I am going to mention one more thing for the record before I turn off my computer and catch some sleep. I may have mentioned this before, but I wanted to make a note of the fact that when the tractor and the attachments we had ordered were delivered, Nick called the salesman back to tell him that there was a piece missing. I seem to remember it was a piece that was needed in order to use the auger attachment. The tractor guys asked if Nick was sure he hadn't gotten it, because they had had to have it made separately for some reason, and they knew it had been made and they knew they didn't have it. Because Nick was a new customer and was getting an expensive tractor from them, they agreed to deliver a second one.
Almost a year later, Nick told me that he had found the original piece laying in the corner of the garage and admitted he felt embarrassed that he now had two. This tells me that he perhaps actually does believe that things are missing when in fact he just doesn't know where they are. But why make up a story about a guy named Salter coming into the house and stealing stuff. It seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to avoid saying you made a mistake.
So you say you screwed up. Everyone screws up. And if someone says they don't, then I think they must be lying. But why bother to lie, last time I checked making a mistake didn't mean the death penalty.

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