Thursday 10 August 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A beautiful summer day. I slept in, as I usually do, as a result of Nick getting up at 430am and using the bathroom and flushing the toilet. That is something I was brought up not to do during the night, once it is agreed upon amongst members of a household. He never used to do it either, until a couple of months ago, because he knows it wakes me up. Actually, nearly everything wakes me up.

After using the bathroom, Nick will usually go downstairs to make a coffee or get a glass of water and then he will read for a an hour or two. As a result of the weather being so humid and warm, he and I have been sleeping with our bedroom doors open and so when he has the light on in his room, I keep waking up. And shortly after he quits reading and turns off the light to go back to sleep, my alarm goes off and I have to get up for the day. So on my days off, I roll over and go back to sleep until I am convinced I am well rested.

Nick and I took the lawn mower apart and I succeeded in finding the tools we needed to do this in impressive time. It was great, he described what it was I should be looking for and while he was still muttering that Salter had stolen them and they couldn't be found anywhere in the house, I would present them to him. Part of it was luck, I will admit, and part of it was because I have cleaned up the basement and the garage, so if I know what something looks like, I am getting pretty good at finding it now. If I knew my tools better, this would be even easier.

So I got the back yard done, and the second section of the front that I had started when the mower decided to quit. I also cut some of the grass by the riding arena - an area we used to keep cut but we have let grow over the last two years. I decided to cut it again to make the property look neater.

Then I had to go to meet up with the guy who bought my daughter's car, just over an hour's drive away. I was not looking forward to making this trip in the middle of my day, but I did a couple of errands on the way, and got home by 630pm. I vacuumed and started to take the skylight down to clean it, but I realized it was to large and awkward for me to do alone, and I decided to wait until my next day off to do it when I could get Nick to help me take it down. I cut myself some spinach and beet greens and green onions from the garden for lunch tomorrow at work. The first produce of 2017!
I have some cucumbers coming up and also some squash, along with corn and beans, and Nick has tomatoes that will be ready soon. We didn't plant nearly as much as we have in previous years, but we always seem to have way more than we manage to use or give away. It's so exciting and rewarding at first, but picking the produce turns into a chore by the end of the season.

When I was putting a wash in, I took another look through the court documents that concerned Nick's wife just previous to myself, the one to whom I have just learned he has been paying $500 a month support. I was looking to see if her former last name was mentioned anywhere and it was. I had googled her using the same last name as Nick because that is how she was referred to in the stuff I found initially and nothing came up in the searches I did, so I am hoping I will find something interesting now that I have another name to do a new search with. I will do it at work so it doesn't show in the history on my laptop. Of course if he reads my posts he will find out what I know but I am counting on that being like finding a needle in a haystack. Nick isn't very good at finding things.

He wasn't home when I got back from dealing with the car, and I had a nice evening with myself and my dog. As it began to get dark around 830pm, I decided to go out and bring the horses in and feed them and the calf. The horses kept running up to the gate each time they saw me outside and I knew it was past the time they usually come in for their grain and water and a small pile of hay for them to munch on. They are out in the pasture all day, so they really don't need much in the way of hay, but grain is a real treat for them. We mix it with some sweet feed, which has molasses in it, and it is the equivalent of candy for livestock. The horses also look forward to coming inside at night away from the flies that pester them all day.

Nick arrived home about 30 minutes ago, and I don't know if he checked to see if the horses were in and fed or not. He certainly didn't ask me, he went right into the computer room and started watching something on the computer. Speaking of the computer, I was looking in his notebook when he practises his Ukrainian, and he has phrases like ' I never touch her' and 'you are my only one' translated. I went into his bedroom to get the chair in there to try to reach the skylight and I noticed two T shirts on top of his suitcase that say 'MOSSAD' - the Institute of Intelligence and Special Operations. Is he trying to tell this lady that this is where he works?

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