Monday 24 July 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017

Monday, July 24, 2017

I was off Saturday, Sunday and today and I am very pleased with what I accomplished around here with regards to getting the place ready for sale. Of course the sign is already up so it is technically up for sale but I am still trying to work through the 'to do' list the real estate agent suggested. My daughter helped me cut the grass on Thursday and I got the whipper snipper going while she did that. What a huge difference it makes when you take the time to do it. Makes the whole property look so neat and cared for. The agent mentioned it and it is not something I usually bother with, but I have been convinced!

Saturday I started cleaning out the garage by taking everything out of it and then sweeping and wiping the shelving down, and putting the stuff back in it that I wanted to keep. When I got to Nick's stuff, I just left it in the yard for him to put away. That way he will know where it is and I won't be called on to find it. Actually it is about 9:30pm and Nick has still not finished putting his stuff back into the garage yet. I told him it was expected to rain this evening and it was starting to drizzle as I finished in the barn. I put the generator and the lawn mower back into the garage but I left everything else just where it was. Nick hasn't been outside yet and I assume it is still raining. Oh well, maybe I should have told him but I didn't. Am I being mean?

My daughters came out to help on Saturday and arrived mid-afternoon. We weeded the garden, which is a huge job - it took the three of us about 45 minutes to do. Then I got the white paint out for them and they finished painted the verandah in the back for me. It looks great. Then we drove to a teeny take-out place about 15 minutes away and got a pizza for supper. Very yummy. We had a few beers and I had some wine. It was so great to have them here. They stayed overnight and left about 10am the next day. My youngest was flying back to England Sunday afternoon and her sister offered to take her to the airport. I had planned to take her but I accepted the offer as I was anxious to use the time to get some more stuff done around here.

I painted the master bath - well I put primer on the walls as the room had been an orange colour and it took two coats. I thought I would leave it white but I didn't like it so I bought some grey paint this morning and painted it a pale grey instead. I am very happy with the grey. My favourite wall color. It has inspired me to paint the downstairs hallway grey as well.
After I had finished painting I put up the new shower curtain and towel and took pictures which I sent to the real estate agent. I scrubbed the bathtub so it would be clean and shiny as well.

I hired a young fellow to shovel out the two stalls in the addition to the barn where the calves had been kept last winter which Nick had never mucked out. There is about two feet of manure in there and it is dry and hard. He worked for a couple of hours and I took a brush and a bucket of water and began to clean the walls on the barn so I could take some pictures for the listing. I worked for a good two hours and managed to do enough so I could take a few good shots of the barn. It was amazing how nice and white the barn looked! It never would have occurred to me in a million years to wash the walls.

Nick actually put the wallpaper up in the ensuite bathroom. He did a lot of swearing however and throwing things around. The first wallpaper I purchased was tearing when it was wet, as Nick was trying to put it up on Thursday. So after I had supper with my daughters, I bought more but the new stuff required the wall to be pasted. I actually didn't notice this until I had finished paying for it and was in the car ready to come home. For some reason I looked at it and saw I needed to buy the paste as well. Which I did but which Nick was not pleased with at all. He did put it up today and it looks very good, he just has another two strips or so to do.

Most of the time I was working, Nick was on the computer either on the dating website or watching/listening those audition shows in Russian or Ukrainian. That's what he is doing now. He comes upstairs to bed at all hours of the night; he always slams his bedroom door and wakes me up.

He spent hours on his cell phone yesterday talking to someone as he pretended to weed and work in the garden. I really wish I knew who he was talking to and what they were discussing. Nick told me when we were in the garage that he had 'had it with Salter' and that 'he was going to pay him a visit with his friend Bubba and he didn't care if he ended up in jail'. I wonder if he was actually talking to this thug friend of his he calls Bubba. Apparently Bubba is usually in jail himself. And I wonder if he and Bubba are planning to take Salter out or if they are scheming to take me out so Nick can have everything for himself I have spent my life savings on in the belief that this farm would be the retirement dream I was told it would be.

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