Thursday 13 July 2017

Thursday, July 13, 2017

I will jump ahead to what is going on at present and attempt to fill in the missing weeks as I go.
We are putting the farm up for sale. I have contacted a real estate agent and she has been to the property to do an assessment as well as to give us a list of things to do to get ready to list. I am trying my best to get the stuff on that list done, but of course, I am getting no help or support (financial or other wise) from Nick. I had my daughters and my sister out on July 3 to help me paint the barn and that looks great, there is only a small piece to finish as well as the trim around 4 windows. We ran out of paint and I had to order more so that has arrived and I worked on the remaining parts on Monday. It is a little slow going by myself but I have managed to use the extension ladder and now I can reach any section I need to paint. Before we used only a step ladder and Nick did paint for about 30 minutes from the bucket of the tractor and did the very peak but that's when the paint ran out.
I have rented a 30yd dumpster bin for 30 days and it is sitting in the yard at the moment. I have two weeks left to fill it up. Actually it is about two-thirds full. I went through a lot of the boxes and stuff in the basement and tossed a lot out. On July 2, the evening before my daughters were to come out to do the barn, they decided to come out just after supper and we sorted through the majority of the boxes that were theirs that came back from university in Ontario. And some with Christmas odd and ends that didn't find their way into use. It was a lot of fun doing this and very productive.

I did manage to discard some of Nick's stuff along with mine and the girl's. I do feel bad about doing that, but it was a mistake, and I have been opening the boxes and taking a look through them to see what is inside. I put a  number of boxes outside the computer room for him to look at, but they are still sitting there untouched after ten days. I even took pictures of them in the hallway. Oh and I hope the pictures I have started adding make this more interesting! Getting the photos from my phone to this computer is a somewhat tedious process, believe it or not, as they are transferred wirelessly and the internet here is spotty. It takes forever and I often do it at work where the wifi is so much faster and more reliable.

When I got home last night after work I noticed that Nick had piled up the stuff in the dumpster and then I realized he had gone through most of it. He had written me a note and left it on a box he had retrieved from the dumpster. (I must remember to come back here and insert a picture of the note!). The note let me know that I had thrown out some of his stuff, the tone was that I had done this intentionally, which was not the case. It would be so much easier if he could just lend a hand with cleaning out the basement, but I know this is not going to happen. I don't want to nag him or antagonize him on purpose or otherwise as I need him to sig n the listing agreement with the real estate agent. She was scheduled to come out this past Monday, but Nick texted me at work Friday morning to tell me he wasn't going to entertain the idea of signing until I had arranged the return of all of the things of his that are missing. So I let her know we had to cancel and then on Monday morning Nick says to me that we 'need to get the agent out here as soon as possible'. This was ten minutes before the time she originally had planned to be here. I re-scheduled her for the following Monday at 10am which is four days from now. I sure hope he doesn't decide to cancel a second time. he said he has figured out another way to deal with Salter, my imaginary boyfriend and neighbour as well as thief. Nick is threatening every day or so to get his thug buddy Bubba to join him in beating up this guy and 'leaving him dead or wishing he was dead'. Nick also left me a note saying he would 'visit' Salter if he had to.

I am off today and I had planned to finish up painting the barn but it is supposed to rain, although it hasn't started, so I think I will try to clear the last stuff out of the basement and then sweep, clean and tidy the four rooms down there and re-box/re-stack the stuff that has to be stored down there.
I put up a notice at the Irving gas station just down the road saying I was looking for someone young and strong to shovel out the extension to the barn which we had full of horses and the two calves only a few months ago. I shouldn't use the word 'only' because although it wasn't all that long ago, it has been three months since animals were in those stalls and Nick still has made no attempt to shovel them out. There were all just left the way the were the morning the horse that occupied went to its new home. I am proud to say all the horses went to good people, who will be the sole owners of our horses, so they will get the care and attention they need, and they will be ridden. We asked modest prices for them and some of them we gave away to friends of my mother's who live on farms close to my hometown. All but Invictus because he was sold to Randy who collects horses and doesn't do much at all with them. He leaves most of them put year long and his favorites he brings inside and keeps in straight stalls. Nick must have needed the money from him pretty badly to let him go there. But at least no one will whip him of put a sever bit in his mouth to make him behave.

I didn't sleep well last night, I feel that Nick is up to something. He has been banging and slamming around the house continually when I am home but I usually get some uninterrupted sleep in when he is sleeping. Last night however there was a black beetle in my bed that bit me twice before I got up and turned on the light and captured him in a bottle. The first time he bit me I just brushed him off thinking it was a spider, but the second time it was a hard bite and I jumped up to look at the spot under my arm where he had attacked me. I tried to get back to sleep but my mind was determined to convince me that Nick and his daughter had conspired and decided to get rid of me by having some deadly bug appear in my bed and do me in as I dreamed. I imagined the beetle had been investigated on and ordered from the internet. Neither Nick or his daughter do much else than cruise around on the computer every day. She doesn't work either.

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