Thursday 27 July 2017

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thursday, July 27, 2017

I was off today and I was happy to sleep in a bit. Nick has been raging around the house at night as usual and doing his door slamming in the wee hours. He also got up early the day before yesterday and did the noisy husband stuff at 5am. I get a feeling like I have just been kicked in the stomach every time I hear the angry bangs. I always lie quietly in the dark and wonder how mad he is going to get. Then I remember he is not psychologically sound and I start to plan my escape in case he decides to direct his anger at me physically. I usually get up and put some sweatpants and a T-shirt on and position my shoes so I can slip them on in a hurry. I picture myself jumping out of bed into my shoes, grabbing my cell phone and purse and keys and going down the stairs at the back of the house to the family room and sneaking out the deck door from the family room that leads to the woods at the side of the property. There is sufficient cover either in the front or the back so I can make my way to my car from two directions or hide and wait for awhile. I can also make my way to the neighbours through the woods or to the highway to the other three homes across the road. I always get stuck when I try to imagine how I can manage to get my dog to come with me and not slow me down or give me away. I guess I will have to just let that part take care of itself. It's probably better if he stays behind.

Nick still hasn't filled out the Property Disclosure Statement required by the real estate people. The agent said she had had an inquiry on the property and they had asked to see that. I asked Nick several times today if we could sit down and fill it out but he always gave an excuse and he is now locked in the computer room listening to his XFactor re-runs. He listens to the same one or two over and over again. I mean, the girl can sing, but I get tired of hearing the judges same the same things over and over, even if they are speaking in Ukrainian.

At least he finished putting the stuff back in the garage today. The yard is finally not full of tools, tarps and boxes full of assorted junk. I don't think he put the tires back in the garage though. Maybe I am supposed to take those to my storage locker. I think I will put them back in the garage instead.

The dumpster bin is now officially full. There is some room to toss a few things on the top but other than that I did a very good job of filling it up. I was helping Nick put one of the old TVs outside and he was pulling it by the cord to drag it down the outside steps and as I reached down to lift it up so it wouldn't get stuck, it flipped clear of the step and onto my foot. The same foot that hurt so much the first of last week. I put a large bandaid on it and put on those sneakers of my daughters that are two sizes too big for me. There is going to be a good bruise there but nothing more serious than that.

I cleaned up the ensuite bathroom today as Nick did finish the wallpapering he started on Saturday. Of course he had left everything he used sitting either on the bed or on the floor and all the wallpaper cuttings and chunks of drywall from where he had filled in the holes behind the mirror and toilet paper holder were all over the floor, the toilet, the sink and the shower. Not to mention tracked out into the bedroom and from there into the hallway. I vacuumed each time he would hang a strip or two but he managed to spread the job out over a five-day period.

I went to the computer room this afternoon to ask Nick if he would hang the bathroom mirror for me so I could take a picture of the room to send to the real estate agent and I forget now why we went into the kitchen together, but I noticed his phone sitting on the table - unlocked! I have picked it up multiple times and tried to guess his passcode but of course I am never able to get into it. He needed me upstairs several times to hold the mirror and to help him measure but I managed to look around at his messages for 3 or 4 minutes. I was terrified he would catch me.

I think he is still communicating with the same woman he visited in Frankfurt in May. I know her name is Olesya but if they are the same person, it translates to Olga. That is how Nick refers to her in his messages to other people. He was texting a guy from his former office and they were discussing how young this Olga looks. I hate to say it but she does look very young for her stated age. Nick was also texting this Dave guy I have heard him on the phone with and I think this Dave guy is dating a Ukrainian woman as well and he is helping Nick with the translations somehow. Dave and Nick also discuss the price of some sort of birth product - I am assuming it is placental tissue or something similar - and the price they discuss is $2000.00. I have wondered for years what Nick is squandering all his money (and mine) on, and I do know he takes anabolic steroids and he must be buying some of this other stuff as well. He purchases a lot of supplements, but not nearly enough to add up to the amounts he is spending. I paid his Visa off for him in January 2014 from the proceeds of my house and it was $15,000, and then in October of 2016 he took the $31,000 from our mortgage and put that on his Visa. I guess that is about $1000 a month because it took him 2+1/2 years to run it up to $31,000 which is about 33 months. I suppose, honestly, it wouldn't take much to overspend by that amount each month.

I saw a text from Nick to his daughter asking her to send $50 to Olga because 'she is going to help get a resident card for me'. There is some reason Nick doesn't want the $50 easily traced back to him. Maybe it's simply because I found the Western Union receipt showing he had sent money to her before and he knows that will come up if the divorce ever goes all the way to court, but I have to wonder if he doesn't want it discovered by anyone else that he is planning to move there. And I don't mean me. Maybe he doesn't want to be found after he leaves. His daughter will know where he is, I know that now too. I wish I had thought to get Olga's number from Nick's phone when I had the chance.

The last thing I saw on Nick's phone was a text from his daughter that said 'if you're not busy next week we should go to the gun range lol'. I heard Nick talking on the phone to her yesterday and I know she is having relationship troubles with her live-in boyfriend. When I first read the text I thought it was a joke that they both could pretend to shoot at me, but on further consideration, I think maybe she meant her father could aim at me and she could aim at her boyfriend.

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